Communication Lessons from Twitter Discussions, Bingo and Cows

Follow-up to last Tuesday’s transcript of a two-hour Twitter conversation on animal agriculture with folks who vehemently disagree with what I do.

I was once told by friends in Pennsylvania that they considered the Midwestern “I” states (Indiana, Illinois and Iowa) to be bingo-playing states because, after all, what else is there to do out here?

So, here we go. Here is Carnist Bingo, played during my conversation last Tuesday with vegan activists on Twitter.

What vegans use when listening to arguments from meat-eaters. I have lost the source of the picture, as it came from Twitter. However, a Google search will find multiple versions of this Bingo card.
What vegans use when listening to arguments from meat-eaters. I have lost the source of the picture, as it came from Twitter. However, a Google search will find multiple versions of this Bingo card.

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In Which I Attempt to Describe My Farm Life Philosophy in Less Than 140 Characters

Yesterday, I tweeted a comment in support of the farmers using #farm365. I had not heard of the hashtag before, but later in the day I learned that it was started as a photo diary of each day of 2015 by Canadian dairy farmer and ag communicator Andrew Campbell, who owns Fresh Air Media and gives a no-holds-barred look at agricultural issues for A cool project, it began with the first calf of 2015, born at 1:15 a.m.

Activists for veganism were attempting to take over the hashtag and Andrew was receiving nasty comments. Scrolling through the #farm365 tweets, I noticed one that said the hashtag was about getting rid of farmers because that is better for animals, and I tweeted:

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